2006-2007 form·Z Joint Study Journal

This online 2006-2007 form•Z Joint Study Journal is the same as that printed and distributed to all the members as well as friends of the Joint Study Program.

Note that the JS Journal is complemented by a DVD, which displays the material sent to us, organized alphabetically by school. This DVD was distributed to all the member schools in late 2007. You can request a copy from ZwebMaster@formz.com, as long as supplies last.

This online Journal has been produced as a Portable Document Format (PDF), and it is quite interactive. Clicking on any of the PDF files below will launch Acrobat Reader in your web browser.

The 2006-2007 Joint Study Journal is a thematic collection of articles relating to the use of form•Z and other digital tools. Below, the JS Journal is presented in two different ways: (1) The complete journal as a single document that can be simply viewed or downloaded. Once opened, you can start at the Table of Contents and branch to whichever article you are interested in. (2) Each article of the journal is presented as an independent document, which can again be viewed directly or downloaded.

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the 2006-07 Joint Study Journal.


• To order a printed copy of the 2006-2007 Joint Study Report click

The 2006-2007 form·Z Joint Study Journal

Full Report in one PDF (View | Download 9.2Mb)

Individual PDFs of articles:

Table of Contents

Joint Study Award Winners

Chapter 1: Poetics of Computers and Visual Narratives

Poetics and Digital Tools
Rules of Engagement
The Manipulation of Reality and the Perceptional Quality
of Virtual Environments

Light Motion Machines

Furnimals, Swarms, and Mutations
Conceptions of Space: The Dramatization of Space Through
Non-Architectural Concepts

Chapter 2: Form Tectonics

Bric-a-brac of Creative Computing: Studying Fractal Shapes
Form Defining Strategies
Formal Mutations Designing a Transformative Experience
Flux Architecture Digital Sensibilities: Quasi-Mathematical
Expressions, Evolutionary Blur, Morphological Fusion

A Model Dialogue

Automated Generative Synthesis Systems in
Architectural Design

Chapter 3: Analog versus Digital

Tradition, Tools, Technique & Technology
Digital Mutations: Exploring Methodologies in Fabrication
Integration of the Actual and the Digital: Folding Modeling
into Beginning Design Learning

Intimate and Transparent Production of Space

The Process of Setting Out

From Model to Made: Digital Fabrication and the Artist

Recent Works

Chapter 4: Design Process in the Classroom

Reconstructing or Inventing the Past: A Computer
Simulation of Unbuilt Architecture

The Affects of Virtual Light in Aalto's Tallinn Art Museum
Danteum & Escher: Two (Un)Realized Visions
Making Virtual Real

How Should Digital Media be Taught?

Toward Constructive Design

form•Z in Digital Design at the University of Waterloo
Fields of Study in the Department of Human
Environmental Design

Architecture for Zero-Gravity: A Habitat Orbiting the Earth



PDF documents

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Award winners

Each year we present Awards of Distinction and Honorable Mentions to deserving projects. View the award winners here.

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