This online 2007-2008 form•Z Joint Study Journal is the same as that printed and distributed to all the members as well as friends of the Joint Study Program.
This online Journal has been produced as a Portable Document Format (PDF), and it is quite interactive. Clicking on any of the PDF files below will launch Acrobat Reader in your web browser.
The 2007-2008 Joint Study Journal is a thematic collection of articles relating to the use of form•Z and other digital tools. Below, the JS Journal is presented in two different ways: (1) The complete journal as a single document that can be simply viewed or downloaded. Once opened, you can start at the Table of Contents and branch to whichever article you are interested in. (2) Each article of the journal is presented as an independent document, which can again be viewed directly or downloaded.
We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the 2007-08 Joint Study Journal.
• To order a printed copy of the
2007-2008 Joint Study Report click 

2007-2008 form·Z Joint Study Journal

Full Report in one PDF (View | Download 8.5Mb)
Animate Topologies: Blending Media and Architecture
Deformable and Performative Space
Outside the Blocks
Typologies: Architectural Associations, Dynamic Processes, Digital Tectonics
Rapid Visualization: Purpose Driven 3D Modeling and Rendering
Four Poetic Statements
Modular Constructs
Giving Our Ideas a Playgound, not a Contained Shoebox: Numerous Thoughts
on the Digital Design Process and the Reasons Why it is a Creative Step Forward
Introductory Digital Design Seminar: Thinking and Making
Razor Design: Integrating Individual Design Skills into the Project Process
AutoPLAN: a Stochastic Generator of Architectural Plans from a Building
Designing and Fabricating a Chair as a Conceptual Model for Architectural
Conjectural Intersections: Conceptual Design with form•Z
Learning and Teaching: Moving Neophyte into Expert
Digital Iteration: Defining a Synthesis between Manual and Digital Craft
Hylomorphic Surface: Proximate Design and Relational Modeling
Journals of a Digital Design Studio
form•Z Joint Study Program Schools
Computing the "Holy Wisdom": formZ and Radiance as Analytic Tools
for Historic Building Research