form·Z Extension Exchange
Download this extension

Convert Selection

Author: John Pollard, auto·des·sys, Inc.
Author's e-mail:

Platform: All
Kind: Script
Type: Command
Extension Version:
Minimum form·Z Version: 5.0.6
Updated: 11-30-07

Description: Four commands that will take a point, segment or object or face and select the chosen entities that are attached. For example, if an object selection is converted points, the object is deselected and all its points are selected. These commands will appear as four separate options under one heading in the menu.

Instructions: Put this script in the "scripts" folder.
Compile using Script Editor. Select a point, face, object, and/or segment. Run one of the 4 convert selection commands.



How to Use a Downloaded Extension:


  1. Uncompress the downloaded .zip file containing the extension.
  2. Place the extension in the "scripts" folder inside your application folder
  3. If the extension is a compiled script (.fsb) it is ready to be used - relaunch form·Z. If it is an open script (.fsl) - go to step 4.
  4. For open scripts (.fsl), open the script in the Script Editor or open it within formZ.
  5. Select "Script -> Compile" from the menubar
  6. Make sure that a file has been built in your scripts folder with a .fsb extension.
  7. If form·Z is open, quit and restart the program.

Place the plugin in the plugins folder inside your application folder and relaunch.